15 tips
Every retailer needs to survive the holiday season
Need a boost to survive the retail holiday season?
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This holiday season could turn out to be one of the most important and pivotal in the history of retail business.
The Boutique Hub has created a bundle of FREE tools to help you make the most of this holiday season.

- Discover E-commerce Strategies to Convert Sales Day and Night
- How To Set Yourself Apart From Every Other Retailer
- Finding New Sales Platforms and How To Fulfill Those Orders
- What Measures To Take For Your January Remarketing Campaign
- How To Stay On Top Of Inventory and Store Appearance
- How To Keep Your Store Clean and Safe
- How To Inspire Your Customers With A Merchandise Story
- Use This Engagement Strategy to Keep Online Traffic Flowing
For Every Retail Business

Does your store do a ton of business on gifts during the holidays? This webinar will help.

Home Decor Stores
Is you home decor store ready for a surge in business? We will get you ready.

Hailing from a small town in the midwest, Ashley always envisioned a place to shop all the boutiques she loved, in one spot online. In 2013 when she started to build this platform, now known as shopthebestboutiques.com, she realized that more important than a tool was a community and a voice for the boutique industry.
Today, The Boutique Hub connects boutique owners with every possible tool, training, wholesale brand, and resource they could need. The Hub connects the global boutique industry. Serving thousands of boutique owners, eCommerce stores, wholesale brands and service providers across 50 US States and 6 Countries, The Boutique Hub has been recognized as one of the top 10 fastest growing companies in the midwest and featured in INC, Forbes, and Entrepreneur.
Ashley is a busy wife to her hubby Eric, and mom to 3 awesome kids. She’s a sports mom, loves basketball, rodeo, football, and any opportunity to be outside. She’s also a motivational speaker, cancer survivor and agriculture advocate, and barrel racer. Someone once told her, ‘good luck with your little project’, and ever since, she’s vowed to be a voice for anyone with a big dream!